
Shapes and Sizes

Shapes and Sizes inhabit a world in which humanity is stratified into three possible classifications; kindergarteners who don’t wear brand names, Dads who look like wild, forest dwelling warlocks, and undergrads who sometimes laugh aloud when alone in the school computer lab. If you don’t fit into one of these categories, we’re willing to bet you’re lying. Few people live and breathe categorization, save for biologists and librarians, but it is essential to our understanding of the world. For instance, gypsy moths belong to order Lepidoptera, and orca whales belong to phylum Mammalia. On the shelf, Stephen King should come after Kafka, provided he hasn’t already been thrown in the free bin. In their day-to-day life, Shapes and Sizes enjoy order, neatness, and organization as much as any celibate dormouse librarian. Caila sings and keyboards and her closet is arranged according to season, with hand embroidered labels indicating name and phone number should any article of clothing temporarily disappear. Rory sings, guitars, and washes his hair on Tuesdays and Saturdays. He knows that if he does not maintain a rigorous per... more...

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Karmin Snow