
Kill Rhythm

From the ashes of 4 of the greatest bands to ever emerge from Vancouver comes "Kill Rhythm " - a flamethrowing sonic assault of beer guzzling power chord mayhem.

Garth Allen - Lead Vocals, Rob Thiessen -bass & vocals, Chris "The Weasel " Gorst-guitar,
Mykill-guitar & Rob Wade -drums offer up a mix of rock & roll chaos with thought provoking lyrics such as the instant classic "Real Good Time On a Killing Spree".

Fueled on adrenaline, alchohol & viagra; look for this circus to be making the rounds this spring & summer
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Garth Allen
Lead Vocals
Rob Thiessen
bass & vocals
My kill
Rob Wade

Past Members

Michael Johnston "Mykill"
2004 - 2009