
Irv Da Phenom

I do music, but im sure u knew that when the song kicked in soon as my page loaded. Yes I rap. Yes I sing as well. No I am not old enough 2 buy liquor yet. I am also a writer…I grew up listening 2 a range of music. The first tape that I purchased was the n*sync single “drive me crazy”. Lol. I then ventured into the world of hip-hop with twista, the wutang clan, and my mentor TECH N9NE. These and many other artists ranging from heavy metal 2 old school soul (it would take me like 12 pages 2 list them all) have molded what I know as GOOD music. My whole outlook on music is called “HUMAN” so when im put in a genre I would prefer that it’s “HUMAN” as apposed 2 hip-hop, soul, or R&B….all of which are a part of human music.
- Irv Da Phenom'

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