
Still Remains

Getting out of the shadow of an older sibling is never an easy task - it takes perseverance, strength and an almost indomitable spirit to strike out on one's own and create an identity independent of those who came before. Hailing from Grand Rapids, MI – a compact burg that stands in the shadows of Detroit Rock City and its hallowed rock n' roll lineage – Still Remains have set out to make music that accepts what has preceded them but is determined to take it in fresh, new directions. Still Remains create music that is multi-textured - full of depth, passion and hope. Combining biting guitars, atmospheric keyboards and rhythmic drumming, this quintet from middle America has more in common with Euro-metallers In Flames and Soilwork than they do with anything that has ever come out of the Motor City. Before Still Remains, frontman T.J. Miller, guitarist Jordan Whelan and keyboardist Zach Roth played in a metalcore-oriented band called Shades of Amber, while bassist Evan Willey was part of Unition. Both groups eventually broke up, and when Miller and Whelan asked Willey to join their new band, with Roth following soon after, the core of Still Remains was born. Drummer A.J. Bar... more...

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