
Night Caps

The Nightcaps are 3rdegree and Edward P. Obitek the 3rd. This is a focused group branched from The Disjointed Isotopes spawned in mid july of 2008. With sleek poetic styles and creative insturmentals, songs created make for a jazzy yet complex sound in a categorie all on its own. Bouncing back and forth on verses and choruses with harmonic melodies is just one example of how they get down. there live presence gives off a true and positive outlook on everyday hardships which we all experience. Pictures painted by The Nightcaps display a definite line drawn between whats fed to society and whats real. Without diving into the contrevarsy of todays politics. Playing a game of racket ball with words best discribes this dynamic duo, as they seek for a higher plato. Help From Puget Sound System brings the most influencial and exciting aspect to a hip hop show using live insturments. If you notice a flyer stamped The Nightcaps I recommend arriving ready to be turned upside down and shakin of the negativety life can press. - have fun. .......

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