
Ben Butler And Mousepad

Ben Butler & Mousepad is the brain child of Joe Howe (Gay Against You, Germlin, Joemus), exectuted with friend and co-conspirator, Bastian Hagedorn (GTUK). They are based in Edinburgh and Berlin.

Taking as much inspiration from Progressive Rock’s excesses as from the clean, crisp “whoomp” of the Scandinavian club scene, BB&MP is an electronic mess, teetering on the edge of disaster, reigned in quickly by a persistent pummelling beat or lightning-fast arpeggio. When things slow down, there is room for more consideration - analog wobble and warmth, weird chords and byzantine structures, all shot through with enthuisiasm and clumsy energy.

Like their previous projects, BB&MP is an unpredictable, fun and musically dense project, both live and on record.

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