

“The sound and feel of the small Northwest town is on HPP's back. The weird stares, limited options, and cheap beer escapes. They have crappy hangovers all the time and get loose in the evening listening to Sly Stone, Harry Partch and P.I. on a tape that will only play the wrong speed. Eating frozen pizza on their scummed up couches. Beautiful art. " An earlier report from this Olympia punk snot factory bore promise, and it’s come to term – interestingly enough, about nine months later, with this anonymous-looking record. No URL on the back sleeve, no insert or lyric sheet, and you’d better recognize the logo above. Inside you get your head knocked around by basement punk and hardcore, delivered with plenty of spit and a really nasty disposition. Sample if you will: “SUICIDE/HOMICIDE / SUICIDE/HOMICIDE / WHAT SHOULD I DO? WHAT SHOULD I DO?” Guitar is relentless, riffing and hammering no matter how clunky the tempo, and the vocals and attitude are front and center, the sentiments hopeless and apathetic yet urgent and. You’ve felt this angry before, and I’ll bet you it’s happened in the last month – spend the 15 minutes or less it’ll take you ... more...

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