
Shaunn Watt

haunn Watt's music finds itself in a languid balance; hazy country and dark, shifting folk in the light of an oncoming evening. Soundtrack to a time when a certain melancholy sits just right and there aren't enough hours in the day to go back on mistakes done. A pop sensibility that has been swept under the rug, though never ignored entirely.

Immersed in a number of projects from 2006 to present, Watt's music is an amalgamation of the many influences and creative people in his community. Having been playing and recording since he was fifteen years old, an understandable (and thankfully) large amount of evolution has followed. His music leans towards a folk and singer/songwriter tradition while maintaining an ear for atmosphere and space.

2009 saw the independent release of his first solo record. "Adyn" found Watt at a culmination of his last two years of gigging, demoing and introspection. Recorded by Will Kendrick, "Adyn" is a collection of 9 songs. They find Watt at his most intimate, the songs hide behind a thin veil; both immediate and engaging.

Early 2010 will see the release of "Praying For Handsome Sons" a 5 song EP recorded by Will Kendrick at Shaunn's home in East Vancouver. Playing the majority of the instruments along with a few guest musicians, the new album reflects a more embellished and realized sound for Watt. The house creaks and breathes in the background, and the songs swoon and sway with a slow heartbeat. "Praying For Handsome Sons" will be released online for free via his website spring 2010. 


Community Events

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Current Projects

Drums and Percussion

Past Projects

Sic Semper
Bass, Lead Vocals
2004 - The End
Red Cedar