
Kurt Vile and The Violators

Kurt Vile’s Constant Hitmaker was a like putting on a well worn glove. It had some holes in it where your fingers might poke through, the elastic around the wrist was a bit frayed, but god damn if you didn’t enjoy the shit out of putting it on. Thus, a new track from Vile and his Violators, makes my naked hands shiver like a drunkies DTs.

Again, Vile somehow finds a happy medium between digging in to his weird musical experiments and harkening back to an era that you might even call classic rock. It’s slow and a bit dreary and completely invocative of an battered roadhouse sparsely littered with rheumy eyes barflies, shying away from the break of day. It’s like comfort food, but comfort food that has just a lingering tang of powdered glass.
via soundonthesound.com

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