
Meagan Maria

Born in British Columbia, Canada, Meagan Devauld grew up with an insatiable love of music and an endearing curiosity. Her immersion started at an early age, with extensive training in classical and jazz, along with traditional composing, singing, and performing. Yet Meagan’s foundations soon clashed with a passion for world music and a knack for innovation. While studying Saxophone in university, she traversed into a genre all her own, leaving behind traditional formulas and what she found to be creatively stifling methods. Although she was considered a pianist and saxophonist of high standards, she found the greatest level of satisfaction while writing and creating original songs,inventing new ways for harmonies and instruments to play off each other. Upon returning from a year abroad in Mexico, she started playing piano with Victoria based Cuban music group “Son de Cuba” and her natural affinity for latin music and her love for tumbao was discovered. She threw herself into an intense study of voice, latin music and language and emerged with a catalogue of latin originals. In 2010,she organized a 10 piece latin band for which she composed and arranged an expansive v... more...

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Current Lineup

Meagan Devauld "Meagan Maria"
2009 - present