

Cults are the latest exponents of 60s girl-group-adoring twee pop, but they may just be the best, even better than Summer Camp, who we raved about in January. Like them, Cults are a duo, and they are, also like SC, and for the moment at least, shrouded in mystery, with no MySpace page, and hardly any information about them. This is partly due to the speed with which they've risen – they simply haven't had time to reveal much about themselves, and they had no idea the songs they posted on their bandcamp site would create such a fuss. It's also partly because they want to retain some mystique, to stay a little in the shadows, in this overlit age.

We know a bit about them. They're both 21, come from San Diego, and are now studying film in New York. They're a couple, and they only began making music together a few months ago, posting a few songs online for the amusement of friends. They're not complete naifs, and have some experience of the music industry: they met when Brian Oblivion (who takes his alias from the movie Videodrome) was tour-managing singer Madeline Follin's brother's group, the Willowz, while Follin herself, via her art dealer mother, once cut a record with Dee Dee Ramone, and, via her stepdad's band Youth Gone Mad, did a cover of Amoeba by US hardcore punks the Adolescents, which in turn led to an offer of a record contract. She was nine years old and, she says, "I had a voice like a chipmunk".

Via The Guardian.UK

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