
Like Lightning w/ guests

After many years as a fixture in the Seattle music scene, singer/songwriter Stephanie Wicker sold all her instruments and moved to London. In 2009 she returned to Seattle to form Like Lightning.

Guitarist Brandon Milner, a former bandmate of Stephanie's (as the drummer in Orbiter), was the first to be recruited. Next, after hearing rumors that Harvey Danger had recently broken up, she got in touch with bassist Aaron Huffman. A few months of intense rehearsals, they debuted in Feb. 2010 at Seattle's Chop Suey to a packed house.

Like Lightning is a young band, and their sound continues to evolve. Stephanie alternates between piano and electric guitar, uniting her angelic vocals and dense, sometimes dissonant pop arrangements with Brandon and Aaron's melodic guitar and bass. Seattleshowgal.com called it "a slower, sweeter punch," and The Stranger praised the band's "pensive, gossamer, summery pop."

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