

Throughout history, individuals have been playing with the delicate balance between polarities. Often, the combination of two opposites makes for a harmony previously unknown, a sum greater than its parts. Motopony is the embodiment of this notion – a band built on a bedrock of contrasts and the gorgeous alchemy of seemingly conflicted sounds, and the feelings mapped over them. Guided by soulful machines Daniel Blue and Buddy Ross along with guitarist Brantley Cady and drummer Forrest Mauvais, there is a warm efficiency to the hard-soul/glitch-folk contained on the quartet’s self-titled debut. But then, that was always the idea for lead singer and songwriter Daniel Blue. “A lot of people run from machines into nature, and a lot of people run from nature into machines. Somewhere in there, there has to be a balance,” explains Blue. The origins of Motopony certainly reflect this duality. The band’s beginnings are intrinsically tied to Blue’s – they both begin at the bottom of a waterfall, then traipse through the southwestern states before sweeping up into the Pacific northwest. It was there that Blue picked up the gui... more...

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