
Justin James

JUSTIN JAMES At just 20 years old, Justin James stared down his own mortality when a life changing encounter with a tiger shark left him bleeding to death on a remote South American beach. Multiple blood transfusions and 250 stitches later, James found himself depleted, bedridden and bewildered for what was to become an agonizing year of recovery. It was during this harrowing stretch that an unlikely gift from his grandmother, a new acoustic guitar, revived his longing for life and unveiled a songwriter whose voice today has him rising the charts and captivating the world with his performance. Known for his bliss-induced songs of love and living, James spends most of his days basking in the rays of his new lease on life: surfing and writing songs on the sun-baked shores of California and Hawaii; ultimately to share his music with his fans across the world. James’ songs have been exposed to millions of listeners. In 2010, Delta Airlines, McDonalds and Hollister Co. have all placed his music. His songs have also made a huge splash on network TV scoring several hit shows including: The Hills, Laguna Beach, Las Vegas, The Ghost Whisperer and others. The independent suc... more...
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