
The New Colors

Label: Independent
since circa 2010
You probably don't remember the first time you experienced red. But rest assured, it was a glorious and monumental moment. Not long after the threshold of your existence, something somewhere caught your eye and instantly your mind and body filled with euphoric energy upon the discovery of red. Then it happened again, but blue. It happened over and over again, your mind expanded exponentially as you continuously discovered brand new colors. But sooner or later, the discovery ceases. You see the last new color for the first time, and it doesn't take long to forget the euphoria and abandon the desire to experience new colors. A brand new color symbolizes the peak of dynamic creative thought. So close your eyes and open an imaginary box. Dig deep in your memory and put all of the colors you have ever experienced inside that box and close it. They're gone. You can't see black, you can't see white. So what do you see? And more importantly, what does it sound like?

The New Colors is a four-piece rock band from Victoria, BC. Drawing inspiration from anything that stimulates progressive thought patterns, The New Colors provide a healthy serving of retro-grunge rhythms carried by driving drumlines and topped off with a unique fusion of psychedelic blues. Lyrically provocative and vocally mesmerizing, frontman Scawt Polachuk is a physical embodiment of pure musical passion. Supported by the crunchy textures of rhythm guitarist Brandon Brown, fueled by the smooth melodies of bassist Tyler Swagar, and brought to life by drummer Brad Schaaf's extraordinary transitions from classic jazzy beats to powerhouse percussion, The New Colors offer a brand new experience often described as "what would happen if Jimi Hendrix and the Doors played music sung by Kurt Cobain, written by a sarcastic Socrates and arranged by John Lennon after a ten-day diet consisting of LSD and coconuts".

In a society where information is so easily obtainable, lies are inevitable. In a society controlled by fear and media, corruption is inevitable. In a society governed by monsters and thieves, evil is inevitable. Question everything. Create new things, teach the young, recycle your plastic, befriend your neighbors, abolish your ego. Believe impossible things. Envision your own brand new color. Expand yourself.

Community Events

Current Lineup

Scawt Polachuk
2010 - present
Brandon Brown
2010 - present
Brad Schaaf
2010 - present
Tyler Swagar
2012 - present

Past Members

Cat Deighton
2010 - 2011