

ANIMAL LIBERATION. We want you to go home to your family, walk to your childs room, and with out a word, heartlessly butcher your offspring. First admininstering a powerful blow to the cranium, then string the unconcious form of the child upon the door, slicing the throat and bleeding out the corpse. Once the corpse has been drained of the fluids, proceed with skinning and organ removal. Carefully make cuts around the ankles, wrist, and neck, aswell as down the back of the legs and arms, connecting all the cuts on the back. Then gently lift the flesh around the ankles and pull, you may need to use a knife to pry the skin away from the meat. For organ removal slice down the mid section, careful not to press too hard and rupture the stomach, contaminating the meat. Once the organs have been removed feel free to cut of the choice pieces of meat, save the scraps for a soup or stew. If you read this and are completely discusted by it, then ask yourself how can you go on each day devouring the flesh of another innocent creature. We want you to picture the face of your child or another loved one the next time you're in a McDonalds or A&W. IF YOU EAT ANIMALS, WE WILL KILL YOU AND SERVE YOU... more...

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