
The Woggles

since circa 1987
Combine a whole lot of 60’s rock’n’roll, a few fistfuls of soul, a hip flask of rhythm & blues, and a splash of surf and you get the musical phenomenon that is the Woggles. From songs that shake the rafters to shows that make for “a dance party rave-up that could melt Dick Clark’s face off” (Village Voice), the Woggles are a four-man delivery system for 200-proof, butt-shakin’ rock’n’roll. For two decades The Woggles have carried out their assault on the anemic state of popular music. They share a vision and blaze a trail with the same insanity as the true wildman originators of three-chord mayhem. Pop music fads and fashions may come and go, but the Woggles cut to the chase and drink from the source. Their new full length disc is the modestly titled “Rock And Roll Backlash”, on Little Steven Van Zandt’s new imprint label, Wicked Cool. “It’s Not About What I Want (It’s What You Got) was voted the “Coolest Song of 2006” by listeners of Sirius Satellite Radio’s Underground Garage Channel. Other choice cuts include “Porridge”, “Sayonara Blues, “Drive On”, “El Toro”, and the title track. Their ’06 release “Soul-Sizzling Seven Inch M... more...

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