

Timothy Lindberg - lead vocals, guitars
Zaac Pick - guitars, keyboards, vocals
Benjamin Rogers - bass, vocals
Jay Stewart - drums, vocals
You're driving down the road in a convertible, with the top down, on the first day of fall. Its a cloudy day, but the evening sun is trying desperately to fight its way through the grey. You slow down to take in the view; the mountains in the distance, the forest reaching as far as your eyes can see - and, suddenly, you catch sight of the first golden leaf slipping from a tree as you drive past. If this were a film, Doubting Paris would be the soundtrack playing in the background...

It seems that some of the greatest experiences come from the least expected places. Doubting Paris, hailing from a small suburb just past the last stop of the SkyTrain from downtown Vancouver, pack quite a punch for such humble beginnings. Assembled in the town of Langley (population 24,000), in British Columbia, Doubting Paris is comprised of vocalist/guitarist Timothy Lindberg, guitar/keyboardist Zaac Pick, bassist/vocalist Benjamin Rogers, and drummer Jay Stewart.

Doubting Paris is a young group with honest songs and a mature, organic sound. The four have been playing together under the Doubting Paris moniker for over a year, but Timothy, Jay, Zaac, and Ben have been involved in other projects together for more than half a decade. Doubting Paris was officially formed in January 2003; at which time the eldest member was a mere 23 years of age.

A couple of months after getting together as a band, the guys put some demos to tape with the aide of Ryan McAllister (of Maverick Records' Dakona). The demos were a hit, and garnered the attention of producers Daniel Mendez (known for his work with Eve 6, Dakona, Lit, and Lucky 7), and Dwight Baker (known for his work with The Box Gods, and Podunk). It was with the help of Mendez and Baker that Doubting Paris recorded their self-titled debut LP.

What some people are saying about the DoubtingParis LP:

"A World-Class record" - WestCoastIndie.com

"Phenomenal" - SoundtheSirens.com

"4.5/5 Stars" - Youthink! Magazine

Since completing their LP, Doubting Paris has been busy with a steady tour schedule. In October of 2003, the band spent over five weeks in Denmark touring independently. While there, they played over twenty shows at various nightclubs, schools, and even a performance at a seven-hundred-and-fifty-year-old church. In recent months, Doubting Paris has performed at both New Music West and Canadian Music Week Festivals and have supported such high-profile acts as Keane, Pilate, and Sloan - and even joined Limblifter on the Western leg of their recent Canadian tour.

Doubting Paris has also had the opportunity to share the stage with other talented acts such as Dakona, The Trews, and Mystery Machine. Doubting Paris have had their music featured on several episodes of the MTV series The Real World; as well as on several episodes of CBS hit drama 'Joan of Arcadia'. The band just recently appeared on MuchMusic Canada's 'Going Coastal' program, featuring an interview, as well as live performance video.

In a world of postured rock stars and cookie-cutter music, its refreshing to find music thats honest and real. Doubting Paris is just that - they're not about hype or fame; its about four guys with a love, and passion, for writing and performing great music - about the beauty and struggles in the world that we usually miss - and music that above all-else, deserves to be heard..
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Timothy Lindberg
Zaac Pick
Benjamin Rogers
James Stewart