

Timothy Lindberg - lead vocals, guitars Zaac Pick - guitars, keyboards, vocals Benjamin Rogers - bass, vocals Jay Stewart - drums, vocals You're driving down the road in a convertible, with the top down, on the first day of fall. Its a cloudy day, but the evening sun is trying desperately to fight its way through the grey. You slow down to take in the view; the mountains in the distance, the forest reaching as far as your eyes can see - and, suddenly, you catch sight of the first golden leaf slipping from a tree as you drive past. If this were a film, Doubting Paris would be the soundtrack playing in the background... It seems that some of the greatest experiences come from the least expected places. Doubting Paris, hailing from a small suburb just past the last stop of the SkyTrain from downtown Vancouver, pack quite a punch for such humble beginnings. Assembled in the town of Langley (population 24,000), in British Columbia, Doubting Paris is comprised of vocalist/guitarist Timothy Lindberg, guitar/keyboardist Zaac Pick, bassist/vocalist Benjamin Rogers, and drummer Jay Stewart. Doubting Paris is a young group with honest songs and a mature, organic sound. The four have... more...
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Timothy Lindberg
Zaac Pick
Benjamin Rogers
James Stewart