

Label: Alphapup, Tiny Sensational, Cr
SCREAM CLUB, the Queer Electro Sex Hop Hip Pop Punk Rock Glam Rap Duo from Olympia, WA, are two freaky white rapper chicks stopping hearts everywhere. Cindy Wonderful and Sarah Adorable, two gaysymmetrical superheroes, have come to spread the message of fun to queerions, hip hoppers, and rockers all over the world. These queer icons write songs about heartbreak, frustration, love, politics, drunk dialing, girl gangs, and international adventures all with tight lyrics and killer hooks. Scream Club plays shows across the world from Berlin to Amsterdam to Austin TX, from triple-story dance clubs, to punk venues, squats, rooftops, arenas, and basements. Scream Club are 2 blinged-out, positive, sexy, feminist, intelligent, gender queer rockers. Their energy is contagious and their beats are unstoppable. We are also aware that we are white rappers and feel that rap as a means of artistic and creative expression need not be limited to one ethnic group. We fully acknowledge the origins of hip hop and rap and are in no way trying to disrespect that. We are avant garde glam rock for the 21st century coupled with d.i.y. queer politics. We want to inspire you AND make you dance!

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