

Hethro (aka Jonny Hetherington) is a Vancouver based singer songwriter best known as the vocalist for alternative rock band ‘Art of Dying’. Jonny formed the Hethro project to explore writing outside of AOD with other musicians and writers. An acoustic guitar. A voice. A message. Life is not an easy process. It can drag you down deeper than you ever thought you’d go. This world can be a lonely and confusing place. On the flip side, every now and then, life has it's funny ways of gently reminding you of its preciousness. It’s this ebb and flow of dark and light moments that keep this whole thing interesting. Hethro’s songs dive into this pool of highs and lows, exploring both ends; the cruelty of failure, the fragility of rebirth, the cold doors of death and the sun drenched comfort of new found love. He attempts to put into words some things that we all feel, but can’t always grasp; those tiny moments that splash up into our faces that he calls ‘fits of clarity’. It’s these moments that keep us going, that give us glimpses into the big picture. Moments of true understanding; too brief to capture, but long enough to help keep us on the right track.... more...
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