

since circa 2002
We live in Vancouver now, still keeping some kind of realness. Justin slays bass with us again which has been rad. This bio is a few years old but I'll leave it up for now in case one of you slack jaws out there is about to read it. Six or Seven years of grinding it out in a moderately successful punk-metal outfit from the nations humble capital will teach you a few things about life and rock n’ roll: American beer is cheaper than water. Disillusion runs thick in this business. Camping is free. The fans really do make it all worth while. Showers are not necessary. Money is to be burnt. And if you show up at a venue that has more urine on the rest room floors than tiles, and more stickers on the walls than free space, it's probably going to be a good gig. And unavoidably, you learn that change will occur. We must not fear change. An accumulation of influence is embraced. And with music and in life, what was once simple is now complex. A song is created, sometimes in a single evening, yet it lives forever. It should be able to stand alone, and take you on an audio voyage. After all, let's put image, marketing, branding, and industry elitism aside, and be what it is that we a... more...

Community Events

Current Lineup

Luke Welland
2002 - present
Sam Welland
2002 - present
Sean Laframboise
2002 - present
Justin Jarvo
le bass/slurs/driving
2002 - present

Past Members

Pete Dimov
2008 - 2010