
Lullabye Arkestra

Label: Vice Records
since circa 2002
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite both having roots in the mid-1990s Montreal indie rock scene, you won't find two brands more diametrically opposed than Constellation Records and Vice. The former built its empire on a stridently anti-corporate ethos and faceless yet politically outspoken orchestral-rock collectives; the latter built theirs on sleazy sensationalism, crass humor, and hipster trendspotting. And yet, these two oppositional entities do share one common value: a love of Lullabye Arkestra. That the Toronto duo have become the first band to release records on both Constellation and Vice's label subsidiary is a testament to their own unifying qualities: comprised of husband/drummer Justin Small and wife/bassist Kat Taylor-Small (that's them you hear screaming out the chorus on Fucked Up's "Son the Father"), Lullabye Arkestra have parlayed their own holy matrimony into another, decidedly more unholy alliance-- namely, between sweaty 1960s Stax soul and 80s hardcore/speed metal. Not the most obvious attributes for a Constellation signee, but then Small had an easy in with the label: His other band, space-rock ensem... more...

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Current Lineup

Kat Taylor-Small
Vox / Bass
2002 - present
Justin Small
Drums / Vox
2002 - present