
Amber Pacific

With the last note an echo, sweat dripping from brows, gear resting silently on stands, and exhausted fans mobbing and clamoring for merchandise, most bands quickly head for the exits to retire for the night, confining themselves to a location away from the ruckus of security clearing the room. Generally, the secluded location is a restricted'access backstage room or the isolation of a tour bus, but then again, Seattle-based Amber Pacific are not most bands. "At our shows, we spend most of our time with fans talking around our merch table," says guitarist/vocalist Will Nutter. "We generally don't hang out in the back all that much, we just hang out on the floor, talking and listening to stories from people; often times telling us how our music has changed and saved their lives in so many different ways. It's really inspiring." This inspiration, the moments between, and the open communication from Amber Pacific's fans are the central themes of the band's newest Hopeless full'length, Truth In Sincerity. Notably, Will was so moved by fans during the band's tours (including three straight years of Warped Tour appearances) that when he finally sat down in October 2006 to compile h... more...

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