
Haiti Relief Benefit Show


On February 4th, in an act of solidarity, Neumos and artists from the Seattle Hip Hop
community will be hosting an All-Ages night of music and fundraising for the non-
profit Doctors Without Borders efforts in Haiti. Featuring Common Market, The
Physics, Sol, and Dyno Jamz, and hosted by Khingz.
Seattle, WA. -- Thursday, Feb. 4th is one of the most important nights in recent Seattle
music history. After last week’s earthquake in Haiti, Neumos, a talented group of
performers, a number of promotion companies, and several student organizations at the
University of Washington have joined forces to respond to this tragedy. Performing this
evening is Common Market, The Physics, Sol, Dyno Jamz, DJ Pryme, and the break crew
Flying Sneakers. Hosting the night is Haitian-American Khingz of Abyssinian Creole.
100% of the money raised from The Haiti Relief Show will go towards medical care in
Haiti provided by the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without
Borders. This show is $10 Advance/12 at the door, and All-Ages/Bar with ID. Doors will
open at 7 P.M. Advance tickets are on sale now at: neumos.com, Moe Bar, Rudy's
Barbershops, and select QFCs.
Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world and the poorest country in the Western
Hemisphere. In order to rebuild and recover from the catastrophic earthquake it will take
continued international aid and the raising of awareness throughout our global
community. Organized by performer Sol and Neumos, The Haiti Relief Show is built on
this model. All the entertainers and some of the staff will be working the night for free, as
well Neumos will be donating the rent for the night to Doctors Without Borders in
addition to the money raised through the cover charge.
Sol & Neumos are the head promoters and organizers of this event. Press inquiries can be
directed towards either party. For additional information on performers see page 2.
Sol Moravia-Rosenberg
Email: sol.hiphop@gmail.com
Phone: (206) 679 – 1437
Alicia at Neumos:
Email: Alicia@neumos.com
Phone: (206) 709 – 9442

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