

Label: n5md, NTSC
2004 North American Laptop Battle champion.

Matt Willox, the prolific Vancouver British Columbia-based n5MD artist had his start on mp3.com where he debuted the first real Spark track, "Are We Happy People?" It was at this point in his life that he discovered his true sound; to create uniquely mangled yet melodically destructive electronics. Always one to break preconceived notions of music production techniques, Spark manages to reinvent himself with each release by realizing the differences between conventional musical approaches and significantly unique arrangements of sound. Currently working on songs based on thousands of different sounds and rhythms, played by hand, Spark’s relationship with his music is one that is personalized to reflect what is currently happening in his life. By crystallizing new ideas and venturing beyond wandering experimentation, expect to hear a new chapter in Spark’s library of fractured sounds. Have a listen and be changed.

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