
Beats Antique

The name of Beats Antique is putting down roots across the country as fast as it can spread. The canopy of live electronic and world music can no longer contain the Beats Antique trio's masterful merge of modern technology, live instrumentation, and seductive performance that has enraptured audiences across the US and beyond. Beats Antique's roadshow troupe of brass band jams, glitch, string quartet crescendos, dubstep, dance, and on-stage roughhousing offers a sense-engulfing experience for all comers. Since the group’s inception from the eclectic underground of San Francisco’s performance art scene, Beats Antique has been notorious for making it nearly impossible to sit still. They meld their mediums as attentively as they fuse the cultures that inspire their sound. All self-produced and composed, the trio creates a unique collage: an animalistic, raw musical event that blurs the lines between the provocative, the spiritual, and the artistic, while still maintaining an allegiance to the muses of class and beauty. The journey that led to Beats Antique today was a winding and twisted path from the West Coast to the ancient trade routes of the silk road. In this modern incarna... more...

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