
Chalk Outlines

circa 2003 - circa 2004
The scene of the crime was the death of guitarist Sean and drummer Cody�s old band, Treatment Room. The lines of chalk traced around talent, experience, and an unbridled love of music. But now something was stopping them. They had no bass, no singer, and just one measly guitar. Recruitment was necessary. The first recruit was Greg. Greg used to be in Treatment Room and had been friends with Sean and Cody for a while. Sean and Greg wrote a few songs, but nothing could really go anywhere without the low end or a singer. Singers were tried out, but nothing really clicked, and bass players seemed very scarce. Just when the band was about to give in and let Sean sing again (cringe), Ryan spoke up. Ryan has played in several bands before, most notably Mr. Solid (who just so happen to be the guys that recorded Treatment Room�s record a while back). It is well known that Ryan is an awesome singer, but the challenge would be to fit practice and songwriting into his busy schedule. Almost all the pieces were in place, except a bass player. But when you think about it, they�re not really that important anyway. Eventually this guy named Matt was brought in. He plays bass in a band calle... more...
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