
East Vamps

Label: East Vamps
since circa 2009
"Let me introduce you to Ms. Gerry Jenn Wilson’s latest band from Vancouver, Canada - EAST VAMPS. She was able to find the most rockin’ people in Vancouver (including JP5 band mate, Lisafurr Lloyd) and formed East Vamps. This band really does rock hard. The CD sizzles with excitement and wild abandon. Tight musicianship and great vocals. Not a sinker on the CD. Each track is a thrill to listen to and you will not take it out of your CD player. Buy two in case you wear your first copy out” Ginger Coyote – PUNK GLOBE (May 2010)

Our 2009 CD 'Drunk By 6' available for purchase on CD Baby. http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/EastVamps

Wilson's previous band JP5 released a CD 'Hot Box' on Sudden Death Records, made music videos, toured North America since 2000, showcased at NXNW and twice at SXSW. Bassist Lisafurr Lloyd was also in JP5, as well as The Slickjacks and is also currently in Piggy with Ron Reyes.

East Vamps have performed regularly since 2009, released a CD titled 'Drunk By 6' and are presently completing their new album 'Bring Out The Big Guns' set for an early 2016 release.
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Gerry Jenn Wilson
lead vocals, guitar
2009 - The End
Lisafurr Lloyd
bass guitar, vocals
2009 - The End
John Stedman
lead guitar, vocals
2012 - The End
Randy Bowman
drums, vocals
2012 - The End