
Vomit Remnants

Starting in the end of 1997, Keisuke got together with Takahiro and Ryo to form a NY style brutal death metal band, in the vein of Internal Bleeding, Suffocation, and Dying Fetus. In December of 1997 they recorded a demo, "In The Name Of Vomit", which featured Shinjiro from Flesh Mangler on vocals. They promoted the demo world wide, and appeared in many death metal magazines with cool reviews / interviews etc.. In early 1998, Vomit Remnants recorded their second demo, "Brutally Violated". After a few weeks. they recorded an unreleased track to contribute to the "Gore Is Your Master" compilation CD (Razorback Records). In the beginning of 1999, Shinjiro, the singer, left the band. But they recorded an eight song full length album entitled "Supreme Entity" with support singer Toshiyasu. The CD was released by Macabre Mementos Records in May of 1999. Vomit Remnants has played the world's most brutal festival, "Ohiodeath Fest99" with Dying Fetus, Internal Bleeding, Dehumanized, Devourment, Gorgasm, Prophecy and many other brutal bands. In 2000, the line up for Vomit Remnants was completed. Support singer Toshiyasu became the full time vocalist. And they add a second guitar pl... more...

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