
White Wizzard

since circa 2007
WHITE WIZZARD takes us screaming into 2010 with OVER THE TOP, the debut full-length of the new Los Angeles-based traditional heavy metal act. Led by bassist, band founder and visionary, Jon Leon, WHITE WIZZARD consists of some of the finest young musicians that live and breathe true heavy metal. Joining Jon Leon are vocalist Wyatt "The Screaming Demon" Anderson, guitarists Erik Kluiber and Chad Yashuhara, as well as the band's newest member, drummer Giovanni Durst. Magazines as diverse as Classic Rock and Skater bible Thrasher both concur - both equally sing the praises of this new NWOBHM-inspired HM band: " Over The Top doesn't sound dated at all. Like all the best NWOBHM this crackles with livewire enthusiasm; it's blissfully naïve, delightfully underproduced and impregnated with a deep-rooted affection for the music.." Classic Rock 'Album of the Month'- January 2010. For too long, melodic, fist-pounding traditional heavy metal has been a lost art. As the world has grown darker, so has its metal. Singers have been replaced by generic growlers, backbeats were overtaken by a blur of blast-beats. Even the HM fans' wardrobe essential of denim and leather was seemingly o... more...

Community Events

Current Lineup

Jon Leon
2007 - present
Lewis Stephens
2008 - present
Giovanni Durst
2008 - present
Wyatt Anderson
lead vox
2011 - present

Past Members

Paul Luna
2007 - 2008
Tyler Meahl
2007 - 2008
Jesse Applehans
Wyatt Anderson
lead vox
2008 - 2010
Erik Kluiber
2008 - 2010
Peter Ellis
lead vox