
Elizabeth & the Catapult

Label: Verve Forecast
The title of Elizabeth and the Catapult's Verve Forecast debut album Taller Children reflects the unique blend of pop playfulness and grown-up introspection that defines Ziman's distinctive songwriting. Such memorable originals as "Rainiest Day of Summer," "Apathy," "The Hang Up" and "Hit the Wall" embody a vibrant mix of open-hearted wonder, whimsical humor and forthright emotional insight, merging classic pop melodicism with an array of acoustic textures, jazz twists and orchestral flourishes. The quality of the songs—including a memorable reading of the Leonard Cohen classic "Everybody Knows" —is matched by intimate, effortlessly soulful performances by the Brooklyn trio, which also includes guitarist Pete Lalish and drummer Danny Molad. Although the bulk of Taller Children was recorded with producer Mike Mogis (noted for his work with the likes of Bright Eyes, M. Ward and Rilo Kiley), several of the album's performances were drawn from the homespun demos that the band recorded in drummer Molad's home studio. The resulting album strikes a vital balance between lush sophistication (with such elements as Ziman's elegant string arrangements) and spare, unadorned simplicit... more...

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