

since circa 2001
If ever there was a test case proving that hard work, tenacity, a healthy amount suffering, and word of mouth pays off, Blackguard is it. Formed in 2001 by guitarist Terry Roadcase and drummer Justine "Juice" Éthier as a straight ahead black metal outfit, the Montreal-based sextet - who clawed their way into the public eye under the name Profugus Mortis - has fought a pitched battle to stand out amongst their international metal brethren, going through numerous line-up changes and much needed sonic tweaking to get to where they are in 2008. Blackguard as a viable entity was officially born with the addition of vocalist and born frontman Paul Ablaze in October 2004 to Profugus Mortis' ranks, followed a month later by bassist Étienne Mailloux, with both bringing the necessary dynamics to the band's sound and clarity to the group's collective vision. Staying true to their black metal roots, the new Profugus Mortis turned their sights on a brutal new interpretation of Scandinavian folk metal. “This comes to us naturally," says Ablaze, "and we’re definitely the sum of our parts. What’s going on around us influences us to a certain degree, of course, but in the end we’re ... more...

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Current Lineup

Paul Zinay
lead vocals
2001 - present
Terry Deschenes
rhythm guitar
2001 - present
Kim Gosselin
lead guitar
2001 - present
Etienne Mailloux
bass guitar
2001 - present
Justine Ethier
drums, percussion
2001 - present