
Wee Boy Pretty

Label: none
since circa 2002
Wee Boy Pretty make accomplished songwriting sparkle with intricate guitar stylings, a bounty of percussion and vocals that are sometimes raw, sometimes fragile, but always dead right for the song. Lyrically driven and spattered with deliciously psychedelic flourishes, Wee Boy Pretty play from beach bonfire to dance floor. There’s groovy, there’s quirky, there’s out-and-out pop. They’ve been compared to everything from G-Love, to Feist, to Elbow. Their 2004 album Crazy Pills is an eclectic mix of catchy songs - indie-pop, chilled trip-hop, laid back & groovy - that have featured on both international TV and Radio, all to fantastic critical acclaim. The long-standing musical relationship between singer Jo Cairns and guitarist Sandor Gyurkovics, began as a Whistler summer, sharing a love of music and bare feet. Teaming up with fellow musicians, percussionist Erin Sharp, drummer Andrew Newton and bassist Josh Knepper was both a wild adventure and a total delight. Even no... more...

Community Events

Current Lineup

Jo Cairns
2002 - present
Sandor Gyurkovics
2002 - present
Erin Sharp
2002 - present
Josh Knepper
2008 - present
Andrew Newton
2008 - present

Past Members

Mike Lunt
2006 - 2007