

Label: Unsigned
on an autumn day in 2003, on selman street in atlanta georgia, a group of developers were bulldozing an old house. among broken hair dryers, kitchenware, and musty furniture they found a box containing a reel of magnetic tape. thinking nothing of it, the men discarded it in a pile and continued chewingchewingchewing. night came. an early evening sprinkle painted tree trunks dark with the earthy extract of fallen leaves. four wandering figures (our boys), rambling along after work, began to feel a peculiar sensation as they passed this strange pile. an organic unease. curious, the boys stepped closer (as they were predispositioned to mystery and old tape) and noticed a strange music murmuring from fragments of rotten wood and torn plastic bags. purplegreenblue vapors rose from the shivering heap, and it was crowned with a slim box labeled "for gutenberg's children". they opened it carefully with a stick, and before they could could reach inside to touch the reel it disintegrated in a flash of




.............................................and thus the selmanaires were born

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