
Jake and Fred

circa 2009 - circa 2011
We are a drum and percussion rhythm section
who met a year ago, and have been working with musicians in "Combustion Project", an on-going and innovative fusion of concepts.

"Jake and Fred," are local champions of lowtek -- and "live".
We are dedicated to the three "R's" of music : "Reeling, Writhing and Rhythmics".

We can sculpt sound, we can move people, we can lead or follow, and turn between heartbeats, in the middle of a phrase.

We've done a lot of playing since, and are also involved in separate projects, as well. Contact me for current info.

TRACK I : Rather atmospheric, and ethnic, split almost exactly into halves, if you don't count the occasional side trips into other territories.
TRACK II : If nuvo Da-Da-ism in music offends you, FF past the first, oohhh, say sixteen minutes. At about that point, we return to further variations of the more bucolic styles, including a brief sortie into "B" Movie sound tracks.
Both tracks live and unedited, recorded in WAV, on the Zoom H2, "Handy Recorder".
We'd like to thank :
- Rick May, and "Projam Studios", for providing a great rehearsal room while we worked on the "Combustion Project" sessions.
- Nev Gibson and the staff at "livevictoria"
who went out of their way to help us to learn the technicals of loading a sound sample, because, ya know, this IS a lot like rocket science.
Musicians, ( including DJ's ) and lyricists, we'd like to hear from you.

Community Events

Current Lineup

Unlinked Musician
2009 - present
Unlinked Musician
2009 - present
Fred Krammer
2009 - present