
Indian Jewelry

Magic comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes in the shape of a bucktoothed overweight kid who nurtures six-string dreams until he discovers diet pills help him work out harder. Sometimes it is a basketball player who makes a spirited fast break and goes up for a layup but breaks his leg in the three places upon landing and later turns to pounding the skins after realizing that his prospects in the NBA have been shattered by the same fateful landing that shattered his femur. Sometimes it is a young girl who wanted a pony and got a kitten instead. she names the kitten prancer but its not the same so she smothers it beneath a beanbag chair and cries to her parents that prancer is dead. her loving parents, sensing the dangers in nursing a psychopath, send her off to boarding school where she learns to rock the electric piano and for a time is friend's with a girl who is friend's with jay mcinerney's younger cousin. and sometimes it is a wise-cracking "class clown" type with a greasy mophead of orange hair who lives in his parent's garage with his dad and dreams of playing the bass like bill wyman the "pied piper" of world famous hard-living rock and roll band aerosm... more...

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