
Pretty and Nice

Label: Hardly Art
since circa 2004
Tucked away in a basement somewhere on the outskirts of Boston, there is a secret lair filled with motley recording equipment, and a neatly organized cache of guitars, synths and other flashing electronics. The stockpile of gadgetry is owned and operated by two young gentlemen who call themselves Pretty & Nice.

Pretty & Nice is Holden Lewis & Jeremy Mendicino. The band sprouted from the mind of Lewis in 2004 while he was living in Burlington, VT. There Lewis met Mendicino, a master knob twiddler and pop music masher who recorded Pretty & Nice’s first record, Pink & Blue. After about a year of touring the country, playing the songs, sharing vocal duties, and buying each other flowers, the decision was finally made to set sail to the south, and a new base of operation was established in Boston. You can still find them there sometimes, writing new jingles, waxing mock-poetic, readying to put more music in your ears. If they're not home, they might be out playing shows for you and yours (along with a couple of friends to act as kit-banger and low-end thumper). Go and find them. Shake their hands.

Community Events

Current Lineup

Holden Lewis
2004 - present
Jeremy Mendicino
2004 - present