
Xarl Mark

Thanks to the fictions allowed by marketing software, XARL MARK is now real. Though centered around Isaac Flagg, the group will expand to include sympathetic improvisers, who in the very near future will include Michael Baker and one or two co-members of IMP(s). Still in its early stages as a seemingly separate, singular entity, the potential for Xarl Mark's emergence could theoretically be traced back a number of years through Isaac Flagg's sometimes laissez-faire approach to small-town improvised music, to a rather latent angst and sympathy for dissonance and disjunction. Perhaps now it will be possible to convincingly occupy a critical, yet affirmative position in relation to other musics, other modes of being! This fall, after playing a few introductory shows on the west coast, and making one or two proper recordings, Xarl Mark will relocate to Toronto, where new collaborations and the seriousness of metropolitan concentration will push the band in new, unknown directions.

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