
Anna Acevedo Lyman Latin Jazz Trio

Label: Indie
since circa 2006
"She has a voice like Melted Chocolate" The Harbour City Star...
Anna (Acevedo) Lyman is a Latin-Jazz artist who is fusing Latin Jazz with Salsa and the Motown Soul she grew to love during childhood. Anna writes her lyrics in both Spanish and English in the same song. She was born in Detroit to a Latinamerican Father and a Scotch/Irish-American Mother. In her childhood, her Parents listened to Sergio Mendes, Henry Mancini, Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles. Anna was listening! In her late teens she emigrated to Canada, completed High School and a 4-year Bachelor of Music in Jazz on Canada's West Coast and Gulf Islands. She has family and other contacts in Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Brazil. She describes her style as "Bluenote Latin Jazz".

Audio Samples

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Current Lineup

Anna Acevedo Lyman
2005 - present
Steve Sutton
2007 - present
Johnny Lucas
2008 - present
Greg Bush
2008 - present
Darcy Phillips
2008 - present
Ayaka Kinugawa
2008 - present