
Grace Under Pressure

since circa 2008
Grace Under Pressure was a dream of stage lights, booming music and of being the voice above the crowd to initiate change and bring life back into music and into living. In 2008 the dream started to slowly shift into being. Mel met Kevin at a New Year's party (again) and for some reason she believed him when he said he played drums. Three months later the pair finally met up and jammed, and soon they were on the search for the best bass player in the world. Instead they came across Jesse in 2010, a lead guitar player with an ear for elaborate but melodic solos and epic guitar riffs and the dream was almost complete! With over 18 songs to date Grace didn't think it would be long before their release into the world! In 2011 Grace Under Pressure finally found the best bass player in the world ________________. With their charming personality and excellent ability to meld the separate world of guitars and drums into a cohesive mass, ______________ finally completes the dream.... But wait... ____________ is still nameless... Is _________ gonna be you? If you think you are the greatest bass player and you want to start on one... more...
Available but Seeking Musicians

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Current Lineup

Melody Dante
2008 - present
Jesse Slingsby
Vox/Lead Guitar
2010 - present