
Iron Lung

IRON LUNG!!!"On the Iron Lung side is the power-violent hardcore of Crossed Out cross bred with ultra-fast and cerebral grindcore a la Gob. True purveyors of "desert power", this duo from the wastes of Nevada will bring you to your knees. " "From the ashes of Krilezac, this two man grindcore band from Reno has been steadily crushing people with their live show in the Bay Area. Original song structures, non-traditional chords, and buckets of blast beats keep Iron Lung separated form the rest. Nine fast and furious songs" " IRON LUNG are a two-man band from Reno, NV that specialize in a brand of audio violence heretofore unknown in the extreme underground. Bearing marks of grind, power violence, thrash, and even oldschool HC, they are one of the handful of bands that have applied new and innovative approaches (arrangements, chords structures, thematic unities, etc) to their underground musical machinations. If you are one of the handful of people who remember the all-too-brief existence of KRILEZAC, then you know the foundation upon which this was built (IRON LUNG was born of the KRILEZAC ashes, although they have a more measured and sharp sound). For others, think of the later eff... more...

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