
Internal Affairs

since circa 1984
Internal Affairs is a refreshing emergence of the hip hop culture. Consisting of three writer/poets/vocalists- Concept, Homage, and Femme-Shui, One DJ/Producer- Decline, and when performing, Internal Affairs is accompanied by their live band consisting of drums, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, violin, and keyboard, producing a symphony of passionate and hypnotizing consciousness. The passion and energy felt at Internal Affairs shows is intoxicating to say the very least. The charisma radiating from the humble group and their message hypnotizes onlookers into a frenzy of consciousness even before the initial words are uttered. Their message, delivered with raw intention and furious manifestation, leaves the audience not with a show but with an experience never to be forgotten. Native to Calgary, two poets sharing the common love for the seemingly dead art form of hip hop formed Internal Affairs. They started with only pads of paper and inspiration. Influenced by many minds outside the culture, the two were able to set forth into the urban-based culture with uniquely fresh vision. The ideology was set upon the quality of the... more...

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