
A Leaf

A. Practice Jobs (Goals) 1. Sharpen timing 2. Be able to make errors in safe environment B. First Real Heist (Goals) 1. Assemble small team 2. Create cash base ????????????????????? ????????Mr. Henry C. Cultivate Relationship with Abe Henry 1. Work with professionals 2. Make name for ourselves shannon: Of all our goals the crucial one to bring to fruition is C. Mr. Henry * Positive values Loyalty Enthusiasm *Negative Values Sloth Predictability The 2nd Five Years D. Going Legitimate (w/ Mr. Henry) 1. Make wise investments 2. The Robin Hood Principle a. Establish good will within community b. Anonymous donations E. Develop outside interests a. Travel b. Art c. Science 3rd Phase Years 10-15 Shannon the ideas for these years are ............***** The Next 25 Years F. Obviously these years will be heavily influenced by the years that precede them. 1. Multiple accommodations 2. When possible a. Meet people from foreign countries. b. Find ways to develop properties Shannon Remember what Huey Long said, "You make your own opportunities" Further Opportunities ..............***** "Ways of Success" These are some plans for ways of success a. chances b. odds c. bet long The Next Fifty G. Keep... more...

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