
Head Like A Kite

Label: Mush Records
Breaking down beats seems as natural to HEAD LIKE A KITE's Dave Einmo as breaking down genre barriers. On Dreams Suspend Night, his third release and debut with Roll Call Records, Einmo wields a trident of musical force to create a “A true genre-twisted party album that appropriately captures the sounds of an eclectic America” - URB Einmo’s recording approach begins with challenging pop songwriting, followed by his own basic tracking with live instruments. Foundation in place, Einmo transforms into a manic-producer-DJ, chopping, slicing and sampling his own instrumental tracks then peppering the recordings with guests. Dreams Suspend Night features multiple musicians and vocalists including Asya of Smoosh, Tilson of the Saturday Nights, Boom Bip (Neon Neon), Her Space Holiday, and members of The Long Winters and Swervedriver. Their influence injects the record with variable components of hip hop, pop, indie rock, and electronica. Jutting blip-beats dance around meaty analog synths, mischievous guitars, and vocal hooks. Knowing how it was created, a listen through Dreams Suspend Night invokes images of The Wizard of Oz ... more...

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