
Wah Wah Exit Wound

"The quartet's monster guitars, attack-drums, and dramatic tempo changes are mysteriously heavy, darkly psychedelic, and you can actually hear how long the bass player's hair is. The result gratifies audience and musician alike in long, rock-operatic songs like 'Failed Spiraling Majesty.'" -- San Francisco Weekly, 5/16/07

"Seattle's Wah Wah Exit Wound are all about bashing their heads on the prog rock, as they liberally grab from the techincal precision of King Crimson and the unfiltered chaos of Japan's Green Milk from the Planet Orange. If prog is your steez, you couldn't pick two better bands to be influenced by." --Portland Mercury, 4/5/07

"I sure like imagining this Seattle-based four-piece’s meandering, trippy, psych-influenced prog guitar lines working their way through the band’s noise-based backdrops and bursting through the other side–with blood sprays sonic rays shooting out every which way. The band’s sludgy prog rock undoubtedly achieves a piercing effect–whether it’s with gut-lancing bass or brain-rattling noise–which could conjure feelings of being shot with sound. It’s reminiscent of rockers from Danzig or Pink Floyd to seriously guitar-centric influences such as Built to Spill or Dinosaur Jr.–a fine group of idols if you ask me. If you ask the band’s MySpace, though, it will tell you it takes most after “KING CRIMSON!!!” No argument here." --Local Cut (Portland Music Journal), 5/16/07

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