
Hazelwood Motel

Label: Major
Ed Vierda, Megan Pickerel (yes, Mark Pickerel's sister), and Patrick Smail make quiet, lo-fi folk music that uses whispered words, echoes, and tremulous vocals to create a moody atmosphere ideal for personal reflection, rainy days, and healing battered hearts. Though "Break Myself in Two," probably the loudest track on the band's recent self-titled release, seems to be the go-to single, soft songs like "My Demon," "Say What You Will," and "Envy" seem to more accurately embody the band's sound. And "Say What You Will" is the only track on the record where Megan Pickerel steps out and takes the lead on vocals, letting her lilting voice carry the song. Hardly a party album, Hazelwood Motel possesses tremendous power in its quietest moments. In a whisper, the world ends, and then, with a strumming guitar, it's born anew. Yes. Their music is really that outstanding.
Continuing Under New Name

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