
Arctic Slumber

since circa 2007
Arctic Slumber was created in 2007 as a heavy metal band. The name 'Arctic Slumber' refers to a time long ago, the Huronian ice age to be precise. Around 2.3 billion years ago during the early Proterozoic Eon, before any complex forms of life were existent in what is commonly known as the Arctic, the 4 members of Arctic Slumber were born out of thin air. They were born 17 years before the ice age took over the Earth. Some say their birth was divine - some say it was Satan's doing, but no one knows for sure. At 17 the four had raised themselves alone, working together to ensure their survival on the unmolested soil of the Earth so very long ago. When the boys were but 17 years old, the great Huronian ice age struck with no warning, and the boys were encased in solid ice freezing their bodies into an enormous glacier. They were in a frozen state in which their bodies could not age - an Arctic Slumber. The ice was so thick that it was only in the second millennium, with the help of Global Warming, that the ice finally melted. The 4 were free, and went on to create the greatest prog metal band known to mankind. ARCTIC SLUMBER! Victoria, BC metal - the band's main goal is to created out... more...

Community Events

Current Lineup

Adam Dzbik
lead guitar
2006 - present
Zack Manly
backing guitar
2006 - present
Matthias O'flynn
2006 - present
Aidan Doyle "The Kraken"
2007 - present