

Label: Fourthcity
Since Truckasauras' first performance, they have been repeatedly redefining electronic music in the live setting. From underground house parties, to impromptu street performances, to proper rock venues, Truckasauras' explosive lo-fi, audio-visual, live sets continually raise the bar for not just electronic music, but anyone seeking to captivate an audience and rock the party.

When Performing, band members Adam Swan, Tyler Swan, Ryan Trudell, and Dan Bordon, commonly sport American flags (worn as bandannas or capes), trucker hats, hunting vests, and various other trashy accoutrements. Their DEVO-esque, half-ironic display deftly rides the line between performance art and a really weird camping trip.

Bordon's live video mash-ups are composed from some of the worst entertainment American television has to offer (vintage WWF, monster truck rallies, infomercials, instructional videos, etc. ). In the same way that Kraftwerk rejected American Rock'n'Roll for an exaggerated caricature of German-ness, so does Truckasauras reject the overly cool and aloof hipster in preference for an exaggerated American persona, both earnest and self-loathing.

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