
Truckasaurus - Rock Set

Label: FourthCity
Fueled by an inhuman amount of Maker’s Mark and whatever kind of beer they can get their hands on, a bunch of self-proclaimed gear nerds have accumulated more firepower than Donald Trump. Armed with an arsenal of vintage Roland drum machines and synths, all sequenced by a modded first-gen Gameboy, Truckasauras create analog electro loops that skitter over starkly minimal drums; a sound (is it techno? is it hip-hop?) that straddles the chasm between goofiness and sincerity, and does so with aplomb. Citing influences ranging from Aphex Twin to 2 Live Crew, it’s next to impossible to pigeonhole the group into any one genre. The Truck’s debut album, Tea Parties, Guns and Valor boasts 9 original tracks, a cover of the theme from “Airwolf,” and an array of remixes by some of the Northwest’s biggest names in electronic music: Copy, DJ Collage, and Jerry Abstract all try a hand at reworking the group’s signature sound. The true Truck experience, however, is through their live sets. Fishing vests, trucker hats emblazoned with bald eagles, and American flags-as-capes are the fashion de rigueur for this crew, who stand in front of a projected VHS mashup of monster truck ra... more...

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